Body Fat Reduction and Faster Recovery Time
I retired from body building about four years ago and had no intention of getting back into competition until I was introduced to Kangen Water. I was invited to a presentation in Vancouver and I had the chance to taste the water for the first time. I can honestly say that with the first glass of water, I said to myself, “Whoa, there is something very different with this water.”
As an athlete, I knew my body very well and I knew that there was something at the cellular level going on. I felt something very different over the next few hours. I actually, went back to the presentation three times so I could get more of the water and so that I could really understand how this particular technology was different. (I had been exposed to other water Ionizers and frankly I hadn’t been impressed.)
When I woke up on the morning of the third day and looked in the mirror, I couldn’t believe what I saw. I was starting to lose body fat at a rate that was shocking. After 4-5 days on the water I felt like I could literally run through the walls of the gym. The water was so powerful that I decided to do something really radical. I decided to enter In the Canadian Natural Body Building Championships which were to be held In Vancouver In just over three weeks time. I prepared for an event that would normally require over a year of preparation and 6-8 months of careful dieting and I took two titles my own class and the Junior Masters title which qualified me to enter the Natural Mr. Olympia event In Greece. Because of the water, my physique was transformed, my Life was transformed and I am now back Into competition again.

After 10-12 weeks of hard training, the results absolutely dumbfounded me. My recovery time decreased; I Increased my training to two and a half times the volume at my peak four years ago, my muscle soreness was practically non-existent; my max V02 which Is maximum oxygen uptake jumped over 4 points; my body fat percentage dropped; and I am noticing a stronger effect from an my nutritional supplements.
I’m surprised that this has not gotten into the sporting world yet. Any athlete that Is not training on this water Is shortchanging their results In my opinion. I really believe that Kangen Water Is going to be the next great thing in athletic performance and I have just completed a report titled, What Every Athlete Needs to Know about Kangen Water available at www.wadelightheartcom

Wade Lightheart CSNA
Wade is a 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion
Advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute
Director of Education at BiOptimizers Nutrition
Founder of the Prosperity & Health Alliance
Enagic Master Trainer
He is also the author of several books
including the best-selling books
“Staying Alive in a Toxic World”.
“The Wealthy Backpacker”
Wade Travels The World To Spread His Life Mission
Helping Other’s Achieve A Richer Experience of Life
Through Daily Practice of Rituals That Lead You To
True Health, Real Wealth and Peace of Mind.